Portfolio Categories: Sci-Fi

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Panama Illustrations for for Panama creative agency Curiosity, personality, diversity and celebration. These concepts was what they wanted to project about their employees. The idea was talking about the philosophy of the company with these illustrations! I decided to use [...]
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80 enigmas portada nicolas castell

80 enigmas

80 enigmas   "La vuelta al mundo en 80 enigmas" is the book I've illustrated of Carlo Frabetti with the coordination of Narval publishing house. Is an adventure of mathematical engigmas full of imagination and surrealism! *** "La vuelta al [...]
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vuela ivan nicolas castell

¡Vuela, Iván!

¡Vuela, Iván! "Vuela, Ivan" is a juvenile novel about a boy who tries to escape from some gangsters with his grandmother and two friends. The adventure goes on while Ivan discovers some secret powers that he and her grandma have. [...]
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Lulabay Lulabay is a band based in Granada, they realesed their new album on june 2017, it's called "Espacio infinito" which means "infinite space". The main singer is originally from japan, that's why we wanted to integrate some words in [...]
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golden koi studio imagen destacada

Golden Koi Studio

Golden Koi Studio is the team behind bigger projects like comics, videogames and animation. I work with my good friend Antonio Vilchez del Ojo, which has been a good work mate since years ago. Here I’ll present here some of [...]
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